Auditory Figure – Ground Discrimination

Difficulty picking out necessary and relevant sounds from extraneous background noises.

Student is easily distracted by extraneous noise (outside and inside classroom: hum of fluorescent lighting, etc.).– Seat student near area of instruction.
– Provide the child with quiet space for times when classroom noises are clearly distracting.
– Earphones might be used during test periods.
– Use quiet classical or rhythmic music.
Difficulty sustaining attention to the primary auditory stimulus at hand (lecture). May withdraw or act out.– Seat student away from potential distractions, such as open windows, blowers, talkative children.
– Use visual aids to help sustain attention (outlines, tables, graphs).Speak clearly, with clear articulation.Face student.
– After discussions or lectures, ask questions to check if student has tuned in.
Tunes out, especially in a noisy environment; he/she stops listening altogether as a defense against “auditory overload”.– Announce assignments well before the end of class, not shouting at the last minute.
– Place assignments visually on the board..
– Use a daily planner for organization of assignments.
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