Auditory Memory

Difficulty recalling previously learned material upon demand, with short and long term memory problems.

Lags in memory of hearing you; seems unaware of what is happening; asks you to repeat.

Will have difficulty recalling the sequence of the directions.
– Have student repeat oral directions in sequence or tell you in his/her own words what is to be done.
– Maintain eye contact while giving directions.Write assignments as well as speak them.Explain in clear, concise language.
– Write key words on chalkboard or overhead projector when giving a series of directions.
Doesn’t remember homework assignments given orally; has difficulty getting all assignments recorded accurately.– Assign buddy to help record assignments.Record assignments in the same place at the beginning of class.
– Have an assignment book and help student organize it; check it daily.
– Teach student to carry a notepad to write down important messages. (Use post it notes)
Has difficulty understanding vocabulary or recalling new vocabulary.– Explain in simple, concrete words.
– Use graphics, role playing to reinforce meaning.
– Begin to stress comparison of words; i.e., how words are alike in meaning or how they compare to words of a similar meaning.
Has trouble memorizing common sequences such as the alphabet or months of the year.

Will have trouble recalling phone numbers or zip codes.
– Use mnemonics, rhyming, and patterns.
– Include body movement multisensory activity. Use visual charts.
Exhibits mild speech irregularities, forgets correct pronunciation of certain words.

Because he/she can’t remember the sequence of sounds, he/she will transpose syllables (may also involve motor planning).
– Give student extra time to respond to oral questions.
– It takes him/her longer to process and organize an answer.
– Be patient.Provide a model of clear, distinct speech.
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