Auditory Discrimination

Trouble distinguishing similar sounds (“pig and big”) or confusing the sequence of heard or spoken sounds (“ephelant”).

Has trouble distinguishing between individual sounds in spoken language (sh-ch, th-ph).

May mispronounce new vocabulary words and will have trouble with foreign language classes
– Face the student and speak slowly and distinctly. Have student look at you and watch your lips.
– Seat student near the front of the room
Is unable to recognize differences between whole words that are similar in sound.

Trouble discriminating sounds in dictated words (pen-pin, hem-him, are-our).
– Use nonsense syllables for dictation.
– Use tape recorder exercises for practice at home and school.
– Use multisensory lessons when possible.
Spells phonetically (i.e., motion-mosion).

Will select wrong vowels and blends or omit vowels altogether (warm-wrm, rest-rus).
– Provide exposure to many words with same spelling pattern through sentence dictation, bingo-type drill, oral reading, etc.
– Know spelling rules.
– Make spelling a thinking subject using a multisensory approach.
Has trouble blending letters and words.– Use movable alphabet to reinforce sound.
– Play bingo-type game of blends.
– Use tape recorder to model blend sounds.
– Use multi-sensory approach when appropriate.
Unable to rhyme, difficulty with rhythm.

May speak in a monotone voice or have unnatural pitch.
– Provide practice in noticing, describing and comparing details: two sounds, two sentences, two paragraphs.
– Teach songs that help with rhythm.
Exhibits spelling deterioration when primarily focusing on subject content for tests, written work, etc.– Focus on primary purpose of task; either do not penalize for spelling or give two grades.
– May need technology to compensate for weakness.
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