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Why is it rare to find a “special needs” programs in Christian Schools? Perhaps a school cannot serve a “special needs” student because it the school does not have the personnel or curriculum that best meets their individual needs. Perhaps it is because monies within the system cannot accommodate the program demands. Perhaps the overall …
Special Need, Program Needs in Christian Schools Read More »
(Increasing Might, Power, Academics, Choices, Truth) The IMPACT Ministry, (previously named the Unique Learning Program) was founded in 1996 as a private, non-profit educational program. It is dedicated to the educational needs of students with learning differences and special needs. Its name reflects the ministry by “Increasing the student’s Might, Power, Academic abilities, righteous Choices …
Name: Career Development for Exceptional IndividualsAddress: 1920 Association Drive | Reston. VA. 22091 Name: Challenge (ADHD Newsletter)Address: P.O. Box 488 | West Newbury, MA 01985Phone: (508) 462-0495 Name: College HELPS Newsletter Partners In PublishingAddress: Box 50347 | Tulsa, OK. 74150Phone: (918) 584-5906 Name: Journal of Learning Disabilities PRO-EDAddress: 8700 Shoal Creek Road Austin, TX 78758-6897Phone: …
Periodicals, Pamphlets, and Newsletters for “Special Needs” Information Read More »
Developmentally inappropriate degrees of inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Symptoms Strategies Difficulty in accurate diagnosis. Need accurate diagnosis to treat effectively; requires TEAM approach: educational, pediatric, psychological. This all needs to be coordinated.Provide careful education remediation of the specific deficit (usually ADHD accompanied by learning disability). Hyperactive, can’t sit still, fidgets.Is always “on the go”, acts …
Trouble distinguishing similar sounds (“pig and big”) or confusing the sequence of heard or spoken sounds (“ephelant”). Symptoms Strategies Has trouble distinguishing between individual sounds in spoken language (sh-ch, th-ph). May mispronounce new vocabulary words and will have trouble with foreign language classes – Face the student and speak slowly and distinctly. Have student look …
Difficulty picking out necessary and relevant sounds from extraneous background noises. Symptoms Strategies Student is easily distracted by extraneous noise (outside and inside classroom: hum of fluorescent lighting, etc.). – Seat student near area of instruction.– Provide the child with quiet space for times when classroom noises are clearly distracting.– Earphones might be used during …
Difficult to formulate concepts, thinking, and study skills. Symptoms Strategies Has difficulty seeing the consequences of his/her actions.Is impulsive — acts, then thinks. – Take a specific situation and discuss the choices and consequences of each choice.– Provide firm, concise rules, clearly state consequences for breaking them.– Be consistent in making student responsible for his/her …
Difficulty recalling previously learned material upon demand, with short and Efficiency in skill required to produce language for communication with other individuals. Efficiency in skill required to produce language for communication with other individuals. Symptoms Strategies Has trouble recalling words for usage in speech. Says, “Whatchamacallit.” “you know.” frequently. – Encourage verbalizing and visualization.– Greatly …
Difficulty understanding language that is spoken or written by others; problems relating speech and words to meaning. Symptoms Strategies Delayed speech development, vocabulary problems — difficulty attaching meaning to words. – Use simple language.– Tape record resource material; can rewind if necessary.– Build vocabulary. Has trouble understanding figurative language, seeing different shades of meaning: i.e., …