
Auditory Memory

Difficulty recalling previously learned material upon demand, with short and long term memory problems. Symptoms Strategies Lags in memory of hearing you; seems unaware of what is happening; asks you to repeat. Will have difficulty recalling the sequence of the directions. – Have student repeat oral directions in sequence or tell you in his/her own …

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What is Autism?

Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. Autism significantly affects verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction which adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Symptoms range from mild to severe. Activities that are often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance …

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Visual Memory

Difficulty remembering visually presented material. Symptoms Strategies Misplaces Has difficulty storing and retrieving information he/she has been exposed to visually. – Use auditory clues to help with retrieval, i.e., songs or nursery– Chains of visual picture associations, associative thinking, etc. Unable to remember events in a series (Social Studies, time lines). – Use a “walk-through” …

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Visual Motor

Difficulty coordinating what is seen with doing. Symptoms Strategies Poor eye-hand coordination: poor handwriting, difficulty with such activities as cutting, sewing, drawing, and copying. May use printing instead of cursive writing. – Use clay or playdough to develop muscle skills.– Use appropriate lined paper.– Skip a line when writing compositions; allows for erasures and is …

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130 Accommodations for Specific Academic Subjects

WHEN TEACHING READING: Make reading aloud in class a voluntary activity. Provide opportunities for choral reading. Allow parents, aides, etc., to read lessons to students who have difficulty with decoding. Directly teach specific skills. (i.e. main ideas vs. details, inferences etc.) Investigate Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexics. (textbooks on tape) Build comprehension in reading …

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